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Publications & Prizes


This bilingual picture book is many things.
A story.
A poem.
A dream.
A lullaby.
Join in the journey into a world where few are invited.
Follow the adventure.
Dare to dream.

Este libro ilustrado bilingüe es muchas cosas.
Un cuento.
Un poema.
Un sueño.
Una canción de cuna.
Únase al viaje a un mundo al que pocos están invitados.
Sigue la aventura.
Atrévete a soñar.

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This bilingual (English/Spanish) book focuses on family fun.


When families live far away from each other, spending time with grandparents and cousins is FUN!


This book is full of fun things to do with family.

How many do you like to do?

Este libro bilingüe (inglés/español) se enfoca en la diversión familiar.


Cuando las familias viven lejos unas de otras, ¡pasar tiempo con los abuelos y los primos es DIVERTIDO!


Este libro está lleno de cosas divertidas para hacer con la familia.

¿Cuántas te gustan hacer?


Chocolate Spaghetti for Breakfast

Espagetis de Chocolate para el Desayuno

This bilingual picture book is about a resourceful child who finds an interesting way to spend the morning. 


Some mornings you let Mom sleep in, even when you are hungry. Follow the adventure on the way to an unusual meal. 


Un libro ilustrado bilingüe sobre una niña ingeniosa que encuentra una forma interesante de pasar la mañana.


Algunas mañanas dejas que mamá se quede dormida, aunque tengas hambre. Sigue la aventura de camino a una comida inusual.

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​What is that loud noise coming from behind the door to the next room? Is it an elephant? Or, maybe twenty wolves? Or something else? This bilingual book is a fun way to solve a mystery, count to twenty and learn words for wild animals.


¿Qué es ese ruido fuerte que viene de detrás de la puerta del otro cuarto? ¿Es un elefante? ¿O, tal vez veinte lobos? ¿O algo más? Este libro bilingüe es una forma divertida de resolver un misterio, contar hasta veinte y aprender palabras para los animales salvajes.

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"Cascade Connections"

My short story "Cascade Connections" was published in The Keep: 2020 Visions of New Castle, by Pokeberry Press, December 2020

"Masked Layers"

My poem "Masked Layers" was published in the "My Front Door Series" edition of the online magazine, Silver Birch Press, June 22, 2020. 

Read here.

"The Sounds of Virus"

My poem "The Sounds of Virus" was published in the "My Front Door Series" edition of the online magazine, Silver Birch Press, May 5, 2020. 

Read here.



Edited by Debra R Sanchez


To reduce negativity in the world, it is vital to devote time to the positive.

Holidays. Special Days. Momentous Events. Personal Triumphs.


All are worthy of being celebrated.


This collection focuses on all of the above.

The style of each piece is as varied as the contributors and includes:

Poetry, Essays, Stories, and Articles. Start at the beginning and read in order. ~ OR ~ Open the book to any random page. There is something here for everyone.

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My short story "Sheltered" was published in The Keep: 2019 Visions of New Castle, by Pokeberry Press, November 2019

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Winner of the The Author Zone TAZ award for Best Children's Book 2020 (grades 3-8)

A new bilingual picture book:
Isabella knows her own mind and isn't concerned with doing what everyone else does. A true "mighty girl" story, written in both English and Spanish.

Snow Pants for Isabella 
It’s the first big snow of winter and Isabella can’t wait to play outside with her brother. Find out how she fixes some of her unexpected problems.

Illustrated by Cassidy N. Bodnar

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Aromatic Asphalt

My flash memoir "Aromatic Asphalt" was published in the Loyalhanna Review 2018. 


My poem "Jam" was published in the online magazine, Postcard Poems and Prose on June 20, 2018. 

Read here.

Raw and Unfinished

Raw & Unfinished, was published in March 2018. 

This collection of award winning poetry combines with other published and fresh poems. Life’s journey begins before we are born and continues after we are gone. Here are words of past, words of future, words of dreams. Like me, the words on these pages are Raw and Unfinished.

Currently available here, at Leanna's Books in Hermitage, PA, and online bookstores like Amazon and B&N.

And My Mother Cried / Y Mi Mamá Lloró

And My Mother Cried / Y Mi Mamá Lloró 

was published in August 2017. This bilingual (English/Spanish) is based on true events.


Anyone who has made a "far away" move can relate to the experiences of the story.


The illustrations by Michelle Bowden Dobi truly bring the words to life. 


On October 19, 2017, And My Mother Cried/Y Mi Mamá Lloró WON "The Author Zone Book of the Year" in the "Children's Book" category.


Currently available here, at Leanna's Books in Hermitage, PA, and online bookstores like Amazon and B&N.

Prompted, Prodded, Published:

How Writing Prompts Can Help All Writers


Prompted, Prodded, Published is a hybrid nonfiction/fiction book divided into two parts.


The first section is a writing book about prompts: who needs them, what they are, when they are most beneficial, where to find them, why they are necessary, and how to use them. It also includes a chapter of prompts to exercise writing skills.


The second section is an anthology of 76 examples of how different writers used the thirty prompts. Each chapter begins with the prompt and an introduction followed by the stories.


The first part of the book will prompt you to be more creative in your writing. The second part will prompt a reaction from all of your emotions.


Currently available here, at Leanna's Books in Hermitage, PA, and online bookstores like Amazon and B&N.


On October 19, 2017, this book was named 2nd Best Book of the Year by "The Author Zone" in the "Business Book" category.

Dark Vision

My poem "Dark Vision" was published in the online magazine, Postcard Poems and Prose on June 2, 2017. 

Read here.

"Getting the Picture"

My poem "Getting the Picture" was published in the "My First JOB Series" edition of the online magazine, Silver Birch Press, May 28, 2017. 

Read here.

"Of Death and Flies and Summer"

"Of Death and Flies and Summer" was published in the "Me at 17 Series" edition of the online magazine, Silver Birch Press, February 24, 2017. 

Read here.

Libraries and the books they hold play a vital role in our world.


This one-act play explores a possible future where
communities stop supporting libraries.


Discover what a small group must do
to save the past for the matter what the cost.


Today libraries across the country are being closed

due to lack of community and government support.


The circumstances presented in this play are all too real.


What would you do if faced with these decisions?

What can you do now to prevent it from happening?

The future of libraries and books is in your hands. 


Currently available from the publisher, Tree Shadow Press, as well as on Amazon in print and Kindle format,
and at Barnes & Noble online, and other online bookstores.


"Mom on the Run-- 21 Ways to Get More Out of Your Day"

"Mom on the Run -- 21 Ways to Get More Out of Your Day" was published in the Spring 2015 edition of the online magazine, Ruby for Women, Spring edition. Page 15

Read here.

"Hazy Decision"

"Hazy Decision" is the true story of a time when I had to face a life or death situation with my son. It was published in the anthology Miracles & Moments of Grace, compiled by Nancy B. Kennedy, in September, 2014. 


Available on Amazon and at Barnes & Noble.

"Traffic Stop"

A one-minute play that proves that things aren't always what they appear to be.


"Traffic Stop" was published in the 2010 edition of Scrawl.

"Google Earth"

A reflection of how complex, yet simple the world is today compared to pre-internet life.


"Google Earth" was published in the 2007 edition of Scrawl.

Poem "We Can Never Go Back"
  • * Published in Mini-Scrawl, 2005

Various Prizes at Conferences 
  • "Getting the Picture" -- Best of Conference October -- 2017

  • "Choosing Chicken" -- Creative Non-Fiction -- 2017

  • "Google Earth" -- Best of Conference October -- 2016

  • "Indiction Harvest" -- Novel Beginnings -- 2016

  • "Quotes From My Mom For Future Reference" -- Poetry -- 2016

  • "Being Tested" -- Creative Non-Fiction -- 2016

  • "Silver Days - Golden Memories" -- Essay -- 2016

  • "New Beginnings: Grass, Robins, and Work" -- Blog -- 2015

  • "Lose Twenty-Five" -- Creative Non-Fiction -- 2014

  • "Hazy Decision" -- Creative Non-Fiction -- 2013

  • "Before the Beginning" -- Novel Beginnings -- 2013

  • "El Carnicero and I" -- Creative Non-Fiction -- 2012

  • "Generations Unseparated by Time and Distance" -- Advanced Poetry -- 2012

  • "And My Mother Cried/Y Mí Mamá Lloró" -- Children's Story -- 2002

  • "Excerpt from Toblica" -- Fantasy -- 2002

  • "The Push from Within and Beyond" -- Barnabas Marcie Award -- 2002 

For the poem "Google Earth" 
For the poem "Getting the Picture" 
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